Friday 4 May 2012

Rain Riposte!

"Kannada Naadina Jeeva Nadi-Cauvery" (Cauvery is the life giving river of Karnataka)…..goes the song on the radio on a bright Bangalore morning...

The bus driver, rather annoyed at the soaring temperature, snaps back at the radio saying, "How do you expect rivers to flow and be the life to a place, if there aren't any rains?"

This defied the lines of the song that followed, as the disappointed driver looked up to the skies, hoping it would rain and that the rivers would flow in their natural course; so would life....

There're songs about our glorious past and there's everything else that makes you wish you weren't living the life you live today! Every reference, small or mighty, takes us back to a simple yet rich life, rich in terms of happiness, nature and not materialistic richness for which we unreasonably, insensibly crave today.

Everything these days is dry; The only thing that is full - is a controversy - something that we are comfortably drowned in...

P.S: It rained that night :)

Thursday 3 May 2012

Bangalore Showers

Bangalore rains - I just can't complain! 
Pours in when you need it the most- takes away your anguish of the days that have been worst…
Tempting midnight cravings - Bangalore rains - takes away all the pains.

Wednesday 2 May 2012


I lay to rest as I try fight off this sharp stinging headache - 'foreheadache', rather - heavily annoying from early evening on a laborious labor day; I generously apply some 'pain relieving' balm, close my eyes, let 'the burn' dissipate along with the other frustrations that gradually found their way in to my already pounding head and as if I lost my physical being, I shift in to a very vague memory of my past - a memory that lead me to the ABC song, the shoehouse story from my kindergarten times and my mother's singing of 'twinkle, twinkle, little star'…The stress suddenly, irrelevantly, seemed to fade away like nothing had ever happened…. maybe its the balm…maybe its the distraction…to me, it's just mother's love from a long time ago that still soothes me.