Thursday 8 September 2011

Thoughts that pass....

There IS an inverse relationship with thoughts and timing!
The best of thoughts can creep in, during the most unlikely times.
Most deep, smart thoughts pop in during a nice, relaxing shower when 'noting it down' becomes annoyingly difficult (unless you have a waterproof/steam proof white board put up in your shower)!

'Blog-worthy' topics, crawl in quietly at the middle of your 'most-blissful-sleep- night', while you're in the transition from 'sleepy' to 'divine slumber' mode.
These trying times are your best lessons on decision making - unfortunately, you miss your class, because you slept!

While such instances happen, there are some oddities too - Our brain chooses to process funny things only when you're in middle of a heated conversation or other emotionally trying moments - when you can't just focus on pulling a serious face, totally messing up the 'already-messed-up' situation!

Then there are other ways in which the mind tests your strength; to hold on to or let go of a thought - for instance, you want to share something really witty on a social network, but your brain can't hold it long enough until you can reach your internet connection; or the person you want to convey something to, is simply out of eye contact!

Thoughts are quick at grabbing opportunities - When the speaker you face is trying his/best to zone you out, it opens endless possibilities to conversations with self, that sadly, but eventually, drift away too!

Here's wishing for a smarter, quicker and less lazier brain! 
The lesser the slip, the better the blog!

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