Tuesday 6 April 2021

Where do you go?

 ...and suddenly there was silence. My tinnitus has been quite the bother for over a ear, I mean 'year' now. The room goes blurry and wavy like I'm in some kind of trance. Such tranquility can only cause terror in me, and did, rightly so. I wasn't shook, but felt stirred - a truly 007 bond-like moment as he passed out slowly in his car - only here I was in my living room, floating, the tube light hurting my eyes as it blurred out and me losing my balance while desperately grabbing on (unsuccessfully) to the wall, the door, (anything please), whilst still deciphering what was going on. I was in this state for a few seconds but these episodes graduated to last for minutes over an entire week. A feeling of nausea lingering all day coupled with these episodes kept me irritated at almost everything and everyone. 

It's terrifying to be in a state of rest yet experience being in motion. A paradox or a cruel joke? Thanks to movies, misspellings have been tied to Dyslexia, but for a stickler for rules of language like me, it's nothing short of a nightmare to be unable to form a word with the right set of its spelling.

Sounds, lights, food, the slightest movements of the head, cell phone screen, everything added to my woe. Turns out it was vertigo.

Some people have height vertigo - when they look down from high cliffs or live in high-rise buildings. To me, it feels like I'm high on life - Stress, Dehydration and Sheer Dumb Luck.

P.S: If there's a typo in this article, you now know why! Spinning off! Bye.


  1. Hope you get better soon da.. 😔

  2. It must have been so hard for u !tinnitus Mela oru blog e vandhudthu! Feeling helpless hope you find a diagnosis to this menace soon

  3. You will get out of this with your will power soon
