Friday 7 February 2020


No, I will not accept it!

I do not believe for one moment that I was worth the way you treated me.

I do not acquiesce the lies you tell yourself about why you did what you did.

In the end, if all that was worth was taking from me what I had, so be it!

Be the ungrateful slime you are;

But I will not believe for a split second that I was or am unworthy of the love I deserve.

So, crawl back in to the pit of deceit and shameless grave you dug for yourself, for one day, you'll feel the damp earth beneath you and cold rain pour over you but not a soul to even flick the earth over so that you may rot in the open, your stench reminding others of the kind of people they are, for they pass by you, only to see how you've done in life and in grave.

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